Easyfairs Nederland

Studio Madeleine Scholtes

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About the presented product:
“Lost and Found” is a project in which lost objects are transformed. Madeleine experiments with upcycling by collecting second-hand objects and combining them into new shapes. She rummages through second-hand shops and flea markets in search of interesting pieces that she rearranges and stacks on the spot until a balanced shape is created. These “Foundies” thus gain a new meaning and function.

About the designer:
Studio Madeleine Scholtes draws inspiration from her immediate surroundings. With sustainability as the basis for her designs, she passionately reuses lost objects and transforms them into interior objects. As a graduated furniture designer, she continues to develop within the walls of the Design Academy Eindhoven. While she completes her bachelor’s degree, she works from her studio in Spoor-K.

More info: https://www.madeleinescholtes.com or studiomadeleinescholtes@gmail.com

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