Easyfairs Nederland

Mushrooms on your ear + mushroom bag/pencil case – Marleen van Griethuijsen

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About the presented product:
‘Mushrooms on your ear’ is a sustainably produced booklet, made of handmade paper from old prints. The designs are printed with Riso. The booklet contains nine pairs of earrings inspired by Dutch mushrooms. In the booklet I take you along these mushrooms. I tell stories about the mushrooms and about my connection with them. With the earrings I want to invite everyone to go outside and look for the beautiful little surprises that nature has to offer. Wearing and contributing is the core of ‘Mushrooms on your ear’. I want to transfer my love for Dutch mushrooms and nature to whoever reads this booklet. I want to invite that person to wear the earrings and tell the stories. And I hope that it leads to a positive contribution to our ecosystem.

About the designer:
I am Marleen, I am an illustrator from The Hague. I have a love for printing and product design. My work is cheerful, colorful and often inspired by nature. Because nature is my greatest source of inspiration, I also find it very important to work sustainably and to be aware of the environment.

More info: https://marleenvangriethuijsen.myportfolio.com/ or marleenvg3@gmail.com

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